Low-emission hot melts.

ADTRACON takes responsibility for protecting the environment and for sustainable production. We have developed low-emission PUR Hot Melts that allow high occupational hygiene and safe production methods.
Traditional reactive hot melts have a monomer content (concentration of free unbound MDI) of well over one per cent. ADTRACON has developed two PUR hot melt product ranges in which the concentration of free MDI is radically reduced.
The AdtraPUR RE (reduced emission) series contains adhesives with a monomer content below one per cent. As a result, there is no obligation to mark these products with the hazard statement H 351 – “suspected of causing cancer”
The AdtraPUR LE (low emission) product range contains less than 0.1 per cent of free monomer MDI. As a result, the limit value prescribed by statute for the hazard marking is not reached and makes this adhesive ideally suited to use in a production environment where difficult conditions for occupational hygiene prevail.